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Half Life 2: Episode One

Half Life 2: Episode Two

SiN Episodes: Emergence








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Buy Half Life 2 Episode One

Half Life 2: Episode One
The Half Life Saga continues... with an episodic Trilogy...

Buy Half-Life2: Episode One - Aftermath, first episode of the sequel trilogy to Half Life 2. See the Half Life 2: Episode One - Aftermath game trailers to peek at an experience that tops Half Life 2 as the story continues... The episodic release promises a new era of which we here see the first episode...

Episode One
(since June, 2006)

Buy Half Life 2 Episode One

Countdown: Half Life 2: Episode Two - Release Countdown

The second episode in the Half Life 2 sequel trilogy now have a confirmed release by October 9, 2007...

The suite, sold at retail and through Valve's Steam download service, will consist of the shooter sequel Half-Life 2: Episode Two, the team-based multiplayer game Team Fortress 2, and the action/puzzle game Portal. The release is also known as "The Orange Box".

Time to release of Episode 2:

Follow the Episode 2 watch here:
Episode Two release information, new weapons and storyline and more...

The third part in the trilogy, Episode 3 has a been said to have a release plan for Christmas 2008. Due to Valves known history of pushing release dates, it is not likely to be a realistic time frame.

Buy Episode One now

Episode One: Dr Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance & City 17

Episode One continues where the finale of Half Life 2 ends, with the destruction of the Combine Tower in City 17. Dr Breen, escaped... and Gordon was put back in stasis. Without letting you know too much, in Episode One Gordon and Alyx must escape the dangers in City 17, while trying to rescue the fleeing inhabitants and rebels. Alyx stays with Gordon for the better part of the game, which is a nice touch.

VALVe's Source� game engine guarantees stunningly gorgeous graphics and intense physics-based game play, already well known by millions of gamers.

The Half Life Saga history

If you want to have an overview of what has happened so far in the Half Life Saga, I must recommend a visit to "The Half Life Saga Story Guide" by Ventro. Please also be advised, that if you have not played Episode One yet, this is a spoiler.


Stream or download the game trailers now! Available formats are Windows Media Player or QuickTime.

Half Life 2: Episode Two - trailers

Half Life 2: Episode One - Aftermath trailers

Half Life 2 - trailers

Click here to
buy Half Life 2: Episode One - Aftermath

Screenshots from inside Half Life 2: Episode One - Aftermath

Click either image for more screenshots

Download these desktop backgrounds:

Alyx Vance [1600x1200]

G-man [1600x1200]

Prices: $9.95 - $9.95

As per July 20, 2007.

You can buy Episode One at amazon.com, your retailer or at steampowered.com.

Steampowered provides the Steam client, which I recommend you use. With the steam client you receive updates and more... Buying at your retailer or Amazon.com doesn't affect your access to the Steam client, that can be downloaded at steampowered.com.

Price at amazon.com:



buy Episode One at Amazon.com

Price at steampowered.com (steam client provider):



buy Episode One at Steam



go to Episode Two

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SiN Episodes: Emergence

SiN Episodes: EmergenceSin Episodes is an episodic release building on the 1998 release, SiN. The first episode: Emergence, takes the player to the futuristic Newport City, where heavy action is going down among the harbor docks. You are accompanied by the very attractive Jessica Cannon, throughout most of the 3 - 6 h it takes to play.

In SiN Episodes, the single player first person shooter-genre meets a new type of technology, introduced through SiN Episodes, adopting game experience to your unique playing-style and skill level. Choices you make in this episode will affect you in future episodes.

Developer Ritual Entertainment utilizes the Valve Source Engine to power up the game, resulting in a high quality experience; very entertaining and awesome  graphics... read more


Home of the Half-Life Saga on Daxion Games�...

Alyx Vance

Buy Half Life 2:
Episode One  Aftermath

Buy Half Life 2:
Game of the Year Edition


Buy Half Life 2:
X-box Edition

Half Life 2: Episode One Xbox edition will be out with the release of Episode Two, while you can buy Half Life 2 now.

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